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Гончарная мастерская в Москве|Студия KOLO

Гончарная мастерская в Москве|Студия KOLO

"M50 100c27.6142 0 50-22.3858 50-50S77.6142 0 50 0 0 22.3858 0 50s22.3858 50 50 50Zm3.431-73.9854c-2.5161.0701-5.171.6758-7.0464 2.4577-1.5488 1.4326-2.329 3.5177-2.5044 5.602-.0534 1.4908-.0458 2.9855-.0382 4.4796.0058 1.1205.0115 2.2407-.0085 3.3587-.6888.005-1.3797.0036-2.0709.0021-.9218-.0019-1.8441-.0038-2.7626.0096 0 .8921.0013 1.7855.0026 2.6797.0026 1.791.0052 3.5853-.0026 5.3799.9185.0134 1.8409.0115 2.7627.0096.6912-.0015 1.382-.0029 2.0708.0021.0155 3.5565.0127 7.1128.0098 10.669-.0036 4.4452-.0072 8.8903.0252 13.3354 1.8903-.0134 3.7765-.0115 5.6633-.0095 1.4152.0014 2.8306.0028 4.2484-.0022.0117-4.0009.0088-7.9986.0058-11.9963-.0029-3.9979-.0058-7.9957.0059-11.9964.9533-.005 1.9067-.0036 2.86-.0021 1.2713.0019 2.5425.0038 3.8137-.0096.396-2.679.7335-5.3814.9198-8.0947-1.2576-.0058-2.5155-.0058-3.7734-.0058-1.2578 0-2.5157 0-3.7734-.0059 0-.4689-.0007-.9378-.0014-1.4066-.0022-1.4063-.0044-2.8123.0131-4.2188.198-1.0834 1.3158-1.9104 2.3992-1.8403h5.1476c.0117-2.8069.0117-5.602 0-8.4089-.6636 0-1.3273-.0007-1.9911-.0014-1.9915-.0022-3.9832-.0044-5.975.

"M50 100c27.614 0 50-22.386 50-50S77.614 0 50 0 0 22.386 0 50s22.386 50 50 50Zm17.9-67.374c3.838.346 6 2.695 6.474 6.438.332 2.612.626 6.352.626 10.375 0 7.064-.626 11.148-.626 11.148-.588 3.728-2.39 5.752-6.18 6.18-4.235.48-13.76.7-17.992.7-4.38 0-13.237-.184-17.66-.552-3.8-.317-6.394-2.44-6.916-6.218-.38-2.752-.626-6.022-.626-11.222 0-5.788.209-8.238.7-10.853.699-3.732 2.48-5.54 6.548-5.96C36.516 32.221 40.55 32 49.577 32c4.413 0 13.927.228 18.322.626Zm-23.216 9.761v14.374L58.37 49.5l-13.686-7.

"M50 100c27.614 0 50-22.386 50-50S77.614 0 50 0 0 22.386 0 50s22.386 50 50 50Zm19.701-52.297c-1.137 0-2.222.23-3.212.644C65.83 40.867 59.555 35 51.906 35c-1.873 0-3.7.366-5.312.99-.627.242-.792.492-.799.976V63.31a.976.976 0 0 0 .897.952c.02.003 23.009 0 23.009 0 4.586 0 8.3-3.673 8.3-8.259a8.3 8.3 0 0 0-8.3-8.3Zm-27-10.759a.927.927 0 0 1 .915.91l.403 18.699-.404 6.787v-.007a.924.924 0 0 1-.915.912.92.92 0 0 1-.912-.904l-.185-3.349-.191-3.438.373-18.605.003-.095a.917.917 0 0 1 .337-.701.896.896 0 0 1 .575-.209Zm-7.13 4.26a.69.69 0 0 0-.684-.68c-.374 0-.675.3-.683.68l-.428 15.345.428 7.044a.684.684 0 0 0 .683.676.69.69 0 0 0 .683-.68l.48-7.04-.48-15.344Zm-5.09 1.679a.579.579 0 0 1 .57-.565.58.58 0 0 1 .567.565l.56 13.702-.56 7.16v-.003a.58.58 0 0 1-.567.564.578.578 0 0 1-.57-.561l-.492-7.16.493-13.702Zm-6.49 5.881a.404.404 0 0 0-.395.39L23 56.54l.596 7.148a.403.403 0 0 0 .394.388c.21 0 .38-.168.397-.389l.676-7.147-.676-7.39a.406.406 0 0 0-.397-.387Zm3.846.92a.458.458 0 0 0-.452-.442.458.458 0 0 0-.453.449l-.562 6.85.562 7.207a.46.46 0 0 0 .453.449c.24 0 .436-.194.451-.449l.64-7.206-.64-6.857Zm10.93-8.335a.802.802 0 0 0-.8.797l-.355 14.405.358 6.932a.798.798 0 0 0 1.596-.005v.006l.401-6.931-.401-14.408a.8.8 0 0 0-.8-.

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