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BTS club место общения фанатов BTS, ARMY. Истории о любви к BTS. Новости и события о BTS.

BTSclub для ARMY.Всё о BTS. Статьи про BTS. Место бщения фанов BTS

ARMY, сайт создан от Любви и Благодарности нашим BTS для нас, ARMY. С любовью, твой BTSclub.ru

Let's get acquainted

Â"All about A.R.M.Y.


This site was created from Love and Thanks to our BTS. This site was created for us by ARMY. There are millions of us all over the planet.
Therefore, we translate everything into several languages.

Want to confess BTS love

If there are no words, some emotions, write comments.

ARMY ! Unite !
There are a lot of us. We are together. We are the Strength !
We kiss everyone !

P.S Read to everyone ! Site rules


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