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A word is what you should start with. New publishing blog tool

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"M60 105c24.613 0 45-20.344 45-45 0-24.613-20.387-45-45.044-45C35.344 15 15 35.387 15 60c0 24.656 20.387 45 45 45Zm-7.536-22.653c-2.091 0-3.529-1.393-3.529-3.44v-3.834h-3.833c-1.307 0-2.178-.872-2.178-2.135 0-1.22.87-2.178 2.178-2.178h3.833v-4.356h-3.877c-1.35 0-2.178-.915-2.178-2.178 0-1.264.828-2.179 2.178-2.179h3.877V43.36c0-2.221 1.35-3.616 3.529-3.616H63.31c8.364 0 13.722 5.576 13.722 13.33 0 7.798-5.445 13.33-13.897 13.33h-7.23v4.357h9.931c1.35 0 2.178.958 2.178 2.178 0 1.263-.827 2.135-2.178 2.135h-9.932v3.833c0 2.047-1.394 3.441-3.441 3.441Zm3.485-21.868 6.011.044c5.271 0 8.06-2.832 8.06-7.362 0-4.487-2.745-7.319-8.06-7.319h-6.01V60.

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"M59.978 105c24.601 0 44.978-20.377 44.978-44.978C104.956 35.377 84.579 15 59.935 15 35.334 15 15 35.377 15 60.022 15 84.622 35.377 105 59.978 105Zm.087-69.797c12.54 0 22.468 8.36 24.645 20.465h4.18c2.22 0 2.786 2.133 1.524 3.875l-7.141 9.884c-1.35 1.828-3.527 1.741-4.79 0l-7.228-9.884c-1.262-1.698-.696-3.875 1.524-3.875h4.485c-1.96-7.402-8.882-12.889-17.199-12.889-3.962 0-6.966 1.22-10.014 3.527-2.003 1.437-4.18 1.394-5.704-.392-1.48-1.741-1.002-4.18 1.306-5.921 3.701-3.005 8.97-4.79 14.412-4.79Zm.087 49.463c-12.54 0-22.423-8.36-24.644-20.464H31.11c-2.22 0-2.743-2.177-1.48-3.875l7.14-9.928c1.307-1.829 3.484-1.742 4.79 0l7.228 9.928c1.22 1.698.697 3.875-1.524 3.875h-4.31c2.002 7.358 8.882 12.844 17.198 12.844 3.963 0 7.01-1.219 10.058-3.483 2.003-1.437 4.137-1.437 5.66.349 1.525 1.741 1.046 4.18-1.262 5.965-3.7 2.96-9.013 4.79-14.456 4.

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"M60 105c24.613 0 45-20.344 45-45 0-24.613-20.387-45-45.044-45C35.344 15 15 35.387 15 60c0 24.656 20.387 45 45 45Zm0-37.464c-2.527 0-3.964-1.437-4.051-4.007l-.654-21.956c-.087-2.657 1.873-4.53 4.661-4.53 2.788 0 4.792 1.916 4.705 4.574l-.653 21.912c-.087 2.613-1.525 4.007-4.008 4.007Zm0 14.986c-2.875 0-5.315-2.091-5.315-4.966 0-2.832 2.396-4.966 5.315-4.966 2.962 0 5.315 2.134 5.315 4.966 0 2.918-2.396 4.966-5.315 4.

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"M60.5 105.211c24.83 0 45.396-20.522 45.396-45.396 0-24.829-20.567-45.395-45.44-45.395-24.829 0-45.352 20.566-45.352 45.395 0 24.874 20.567 45.396 45.396 45.396Zm19.907-41.572L78.825 62.1c-.923-.835-1.098-1.538-.967-2.593l.264-2.417-1.626-1.626-3.34.659c-1.582.308-2.724.044-3.823-1.099l-4.834-4.834c-1.318-1.318-1.67-2.768-.879-4.79l1.582-4.218c-3.12-1.846-6.9-1.626-11.118-.352-.41.149-.819.172-1.202.102l-1.821-1.822c-.112-.71.099-1.508.826-2.235 6.46-6.504 18.237-5.8 24.61.527l4.438 4.395c1.757 1.714 2.329 3.34 1.89 5.01l-.704 2.988 1.626 1.582 2.461-.264c1.055-.088 1.626.044 2.593 1.011l1.626 1.582c1.054 1.099 1.098 2.417.088 3.384l-6.68 6.636c-1.055 1.01-2.33.922-3.428-.088Zm-13.46-3.693 16.6 16.6a2.234 2.234 0 0 1-3.16 3.16L64 63.32l-7.56-7.561-17.02-17.02a2.234 2.234 0 0 1 3.16-3.16l17.24 17.24 7.126 7.127Zm-5.254 6.016-7.901-7.901-16.979 14.762c-2.416 2.154-2.592 4.57-.439 6.724l3.78 3.78c2.109 2.153 4.614 2.02 6.723-.396l14.816-16.

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"M60 105.211c24.83 0 45.396-20.522 45.396-45.396 0-24.829-20.567-45.395-45.44-45.395-24.829 0-45.352 20.566-45.352 45.395 0 24.874 20.567 45.396 45.396 45.396Zm27.92-44.726c0 15.298-12.649 27.92-27.92 27.92-15.272 0-27.92-12.622-27.92-27.92 0-15.271 12.622-27.92 27.893-27.92 15.298 0 27.948 12.649 27.948 27.92ZM53.35 37.862c-3.648 1.081-6.919 3.054-9.622 5.622 1.352.919 2.974 1.703 4.866 2.297 1.216-3.297 2.838-6 4.757-7.919Zm22.894 5.622a23.586 23.586 0 0 0-9.568-5.595c1.892 1.892 3.514 4.595 4.73 7.92 1.892-.622 3.514-1.379 4.838-2.325Zm-8.595 3.243c-1.46-3.973-3.514-6.892-5.757-7.973v8.568c2.054-.08 3.973-.27 5.757-.595Zm-9.541-7.973c-2.244 1.081-4.27 4-5.757 7.974 1.784.324 3.703.513 5.757.594v-8.568Zm-16.866 7.514c-2.649 3.487-4.379 7.73-4.757 12.325h9.73c.135-3.324.595-6.46 1.297-9.27-2.486-.785-4.621-1.839-6.27-3.055Zm31.245 3.054c.703 2.811 1.162 5.947 1.297 9.271h9.73c-.378-4.595-2.108-8.838-4.783-12.325-1.622 1.243-3.757 2.27-6.244 3.054Zm-21.244.973c-.622 2.541-1.028 5.352-1.163 8.298h8.028v-7.487a45.48 45.48 0 0 1-6.865-.81Zm10.649.811v7.487h8.027c-.135-2.946-.54-5.757-1.162-8.298a45.39 45.39 0 0 1-6.865.811ZM46.215 62.377h-9.73c.378 4.622 2.135 8.893 4.838 12.406 1.622-1.216 3.73-2.243 6.19-3.027-.703-2.838-1.163-6-1.298-9.379Zm11.893 0H50.08c.108 2.973.54 5.838 1.19 8.406A48.917 48.917 0 0 1 58.108 70v-7.622Zm3.784 0V70c2.405.108 4.703.379 6.838.784a40.663 40.663 0 0 0 1.19-8.406h-8.028Zm11.892 0c-.135 3.379-.567 6.541-1.297 9.38 2.46.783 4.568 1.81 6.19 3.026 2.702-3.513 4.46-7.784 4.838-12.406h-9.73Zm-6.19 12c-1.756-.323-3.675-.513-5.702-.594v8.433c2.216-1.054 4.243-3.946 5.703-7.838Zm-9.486-.594c-2.027.081-3.946.27-5.703.595 1.46 3.892 3.486 6.784 5.703 7.838v-8.433Zm-9.487 1.514c-1.865.594-3.487 1.351-4.811 2.27 2.675 2.514 5.919 4.433 9.487 5.514-1.865-1.892-3.46-4.54-4.676-7.784Zm27.569 2.27c-1.324-.919-2.946-1.675-4.811-2.27-1.216 3.243-2.811 5.892-4.676 7.784 3.568-1.081 6.811-3 9.487-5.

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"M60 105c24.613 0 45-20.344 45-45 0-24.613-20.387-45-45.044-45C35.344 15 15 35.387 15 60c0 24.656 20.387 45 45 45Zm11.326-47.178c-4.704 0-8.625-4.182-8.669-9.54 0-5.228 3.965-9.323 8.67-9.323 4.66 0 8.581 4.008 8.581 9.28 0 5.4-3.92 9.583-8.582 9.583Zm-24.83.435c-4.052 0-7.537-3.659-7.537-8.276-.043-4.53 3.485-8.147 7.537-8.147 4.051 0 7.536 3.529 7.536 8.103 0 4.661-3.485 8.32-7.536 8.32ZM34.603 77.775c-2.875 0-3.92-1.22-3.92-3.355 0-5.794 6.185-12.894 15.813-12.894 3.833 0 6.926 1.176 9.322 2.7-4.792 3.747-7.319 10.238-5.097 13.549H34.603Zm23.306 0c-3.529 0-4.792-1.09-4.792-3.05 0-5.532 7.014-13.112 18.21-13.112 11.108 0 18.078 7.58 18.078 13.112 0 1.96-1.177 3.05-4.749 3.05H57.

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"M0 1.288v2.11h3.368v5.18c0 2.302 1.368 2.782 3.367 2.782 1.263 0 1.79-.192 1.79-.192V9.153s-.316.096-.948.096c-.947 0-1.263-.288-1.263-1.15V3.397h3.579v-2.11H0Zm9.674 4.988c0 2.916 1.789 5.275 5.472 5.275 4.526 0 5.157-3.549 5.157-3.549h-2.947s-.315 1.535-2.104 1.535c-1.768 0-2.484-1.151-2.61-2.686h7.745s.021-.345.021-.575C20.408 3.36 18.746 1 15.146 1c-3.599 0-5.472 2.36-5.472 5.276Zm5.472-3.262c1.453 0 2.042.883 2.232 2.11h-4.652c.252-1.227.968-2.11 2.42-2.11Zm14.098 6.139h-5.367V1.288H20.93v9.976h8.314v-2.11Zm-.33-2.877c0 2.916 1.789 5.275 5.472 5.275 4.526 0 5.157-3.549 5.157-3.549h-2.947s-.315 1.535-2.104 1.535c-1.768 0-2.484-1.151-2.61-2.686h7.745s.021-.345.021-.575C39.648 3.36 37.986 1 34.386 1c-3.599 0-5.472 2.36-5.472 5.276Zm5.472-3.262c1.453 0 2.042.883 2.231 2.11h-4.651c.252-1.227.968-2.11 2.42-2.11Zm4.937-1.726v2.11h3.367v5.18c0 2.302 1.369 2.782 3.368 2.782 1.263 0 1.79-.192 1.79-.192V9.153s-.316.096-.948.096c-.947 0-1.263-.288-1.263-1.15V3.397h3.578v-2.11h-9.892Zm21.153 0H57.32l-2.168 6.58-2.673-6.58H49.32l4.42 9.976c-.421.92-.842 1.438-1.895 1.438a5.269 5.269 0 0 1-1.368-.191v2.206s.842.287 1.895.287c2.21 0 3.346-1.17 4.21-3.453l3.893-10.263Zm.312 13.429h2.947v-4.509h.105s.947 1.343 3.262 1.343c3.157 0 4.736-2.494 4.736-5.275C71.838 3.494 70.259 1 67.102 1c-2.42 0-3.368 1.63-3.368 1.63h-.105V1.289h-2.841v13.429Zm2.841-8.441c0-1.804.842-3.262 2.631-3.262 1.79 0 2.631 1.458 2.631 3.262 0 1.803-.842 3.261-2.63 3.261-1.79 0-2.632-1.458-2.632-3.261Zm8.637 0c0 2.916 1.789 5.275 5.472 5.275 4.525 0 5.157-3.549 5.157-3.549h-2.947s-.316 1.535-2.105 1.535c-1.768 0-2.483-1.151-2.61-2.686h7.746S83 6.506 83 6.276C83 3.36 81.337 1 77.738 1c-3.6 0-5.472 2.36-5.472 5.276Zm5.472-3.262c1.452 0 2.042.883 2.231 2.11h-4.651c.252-1.227.968-2.11 2.42-2.

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