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Kiva - Organization - - 84 %
<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
Teams - Organization - - 11 %
<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Teams</span>
Community - Organization - - 5 %
<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Community</span>


Make a loan, change a life | Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>

Make a loan, change a life | Kiva

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
is the world's first online lending platform. For as little as $25 you can lend to an entrepreneur around the world. Learn more here.

With Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.

Support causes you care about.

Choose a borrower who inspires you or choose a cause you support.

Lend manually or automatically.

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
borrowers have a 96% repayment rate historically.

Change more lives by relending your money over and over again.

Our community has funded over $2 billion in loans to more than 5 million people.

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
borrowers have a 96% repayment rate.

The Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
community spans 77 countries and 1.9M lenders.

This morning I made microloans to a bakery in Samoa and a general store in Rwanda. I've been lending on Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
since 2009 and I'm excited every time I get an email that I've received repayments and can make another loan.

It's easy to make a difference in someone's life through Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
. Just made my 11th loan to a single mother in Nicaragua. Constantly blown away by the impact from the same $25 being lent over and over again.

PayPal is honored to be a long-time partner of Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
as we work together to advance greater access to financial services and build a more inclusive economy.

Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at PayPal

Make a loan today !


Loans for entrepreneurs doing amazing things.


Make a loan, change a life.


Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
is a 501(c)3 U.S. nonprofit fueled by passionate people. Founded in 2005, and based in San Francisco, with offices in Bangkok, Nairobi, Portland and staff around the globe.

"M42.302 27.14H37.57l-1.137 3.356h-2.005l4.484-12.418h2.083l4.483 12.418h-2.039Zm-4.243-1.55h3.752l-1.85-5.446h-.051ZM55.16 25.97c0 2.813-1.506 4.62-3.779 4.62a3.07 3.07 0 0 1-2.848-1.583h-.043v4.484H46.63V21.442h1.8v1.506h.033a3.212 3.212 0 0 1 2.883-1.6c2.298 0 3.813 1.816 3.813 4.622Zm-1.91 0c0-1.833-.948-3.038-2.393-3.038-1.42 0-2.375 1.23-2.375 3.038 0 1.824.955 3.046 2.375 3.046 1.445 0 2.393-1.197 2.393-3.046ZM65.125 25.97c0 2.813-1.506 4.62-3.779 4.62a3.07 3.07 0 0 1-2.848-1.583h-.043v4.484h-1.859V21.442h1.799v1.506h.034a3.212 3.212 0 0 1 2.883-1.6c2.298 0 3.813 1.816 3.813 4.622Zm-1.91 0c0-1.833-.948-3.038-2.393-3.038-1.42 0-2.375 1.23-2.375 3.038 0 1.824.955 3.046 2.375 3.046 1.445 0 2.392-1.197 2.392-3.046ZM71.71 27.036c.138 1.232 1.334 2.04 2.97 2.04 1.566 0 2.693-.808 2.693-1.919 0-.964-.68-1.54-2.29-1.936l-1.609-.388c-2.28-.55-3.339-1.617-3.339-3.348 0-2.142 1.867-3.614 4.519-3.614 2.624 0 4.423 1.472 4.483 3.614h-1.876c-.112-1.239-1.136-1.987-2.634-1.987s-2.521.757-2.521 1.858c0 .878.654 1.395 2.255 1.79l1.368.336c2.548.603 3.606 1.626 3.606 3.443 0 2.323-1.85 3.778-4.793 3.778-2.754 0-4.614-1.42-4.734-3.667ZM83.346 19.3v2.142h1.722v1.472h-1.722v4.991c0 .776.345 1.137 1.102 1.137a5.808 5.808 0 0 0 .611-.043v1.463a5.104 5.104 0 0 1-1.032.086c-1.833 0-2.548-.689-2.548-2.445v-5.189h-1.316v-1.472h1.316V19.3ZM86.065 25.97c0-2.849 1.678-4.639 4.294-4.639 2.625 0 4.295 1.79 4.295 4.639 0 2.856-1.661 4.638-4.295 4.638-2.633 0-4.294-1.782-4.294-4.638Zm6.695 0c0-1.954-.895-3.108-2.401-3.108s-2.4 1.162-2.4 3.108c0 1.962.894 3.106 2.4 3.106s2.401-1.144 2.401-3.106ZM96.186 21.442h1.773v1.541h.043a2.16 2.16 0 0 1 2.177-1.635 2.866 2.866 0 0 1 .637.069v1.738a2.598 2.598 0 0 0-.835-.112 1.873 1.873 0 0 0-1.937 2.083v5.37h-1.858ZM109.384 27.837c-.25 1.643-1.85 2.771-3.898 2.771-2.634 0-4.269-1.764-4.269-4.595 0-2.84 1.644-4.682 4.19-4.682 2.506 0 4.08 1.72 4.08 4.466v.637h-6.394v.112a2.358 2.358 0 0 0 2.436 2.564 2.048 2.048 0 0 0 2.09-1.273Zm-6.282-2.702h4.526a2.177 2.177 0 0 0-2.22-2.298 2.292 2.292 0 0 0-2.306 2.

"M37.826 8.731a2.64 2.64 0 0 1 2.808 2.965c0 1.906-1.03 3.002-2.808 3.002h-2.155V8.73Zm-1.228 5.123h1.125a1.876 1.876 0 0 0 1.967-2.146 1.881 1.881 0 0 0-1.967-2.134h-1.125ZM41.68 12.444a2.133 2.133 0 1 1 4.248 0 2.134 2.134 0 1 1-4.247 0Zm3.334 0c0-.976-.439-1.547-1.208-1.547-.773 0-1.207.571-1.207 1.547 0 .984.434 1.55 1.207 1.55.77 0 1.208-.57 1.208-1.55ZM51.573 14.698h-.922l-.93-3.317h-.07l-.927 3.317h-.913l-1.242-4.503h.902l.806 3.436h.067l.926-3.436h.852l.926 3.436h.07l.803-3.436h.889ZM53.854 10.195h.855v.715h.066a1.348 1.348 0 0 1 1.344-.802 1.465 1.465 0 0 1 1.559 1.675v2.915h-.889v-2.692c0-.724-.314-1.084-.972-1.084a1.033 1.033 0 0 0-1.075 1.141v2.635h-.888ZM59.094 8.437h.888v6.26h-.888ZM61.218 12.444a2.133 2.133 0 1 1 4.247 0 2.134 2.134 0 1 1-4.247 0Zm3.333 0c0-.976-.439-1.547-1.208-1.547-.773 0-1.207.571-1.207 1.547 0 .984.434 1.55 1.207 1.55.77 0 1.208-.57 1.208-1.55ZM66.4 13.424c0-.81.604-1.278 1.676-1.344l1.22-.07v-.389c0-.475-.315-.744-.922-.744-.497 0-.84.182-.939.5h-.86c.09-.773.818-1.27 1.84-1.27 1.128 0 1.765.563 1.765 1.514v3.077h-.855v-.633h-.07a1.515 1.515 0 0 1-1.353.707 1.36 1.36 0 0 1-1.501-1.348Zm2.895-.384v-.377l-1.1.07c-.62.042-.9.253-.9.65 0 .405.351.64.834.64a1.062 1.062 0 0 0 1.166-.983ZM71.348 12.444c0-1.423.732-2.324 1.87-2.324a1.484 1.484 0 0 1 1.38.79h.067V8.437h.888v6.26h-.851v-.71h-.07a1.563 1.563 0 0 1-1.415.785c-1.145 0-1.869-.901-1.869-2.328Zm.918 0c0 .955.45 1.53 1.203 1.53.75 0 1.212-.583 1.212-1.526 0-.938-.468-1.53-1.212-1.53-.748 0-1.203.58-1.203 1.526ZM79.23 12.444a2.133 2.133 0 1 1 4.247 0 2.134 2.134 0 1 1-4.247 0Zm3.333 0c0-.976-.438-1.547-1.208-1.547-.772 0-1.207.571-1.207 1.547 0 .984.435 1.55 1.207 1.55.77 0 1.208-.57 1.208-1.55ZM84.67 10.195h.855v.715h.066a1.348 1.348 0 0 1 1.344-.802 1.465 1.465 0 0 1 1.559 1.675v2.915h-.889v-2.692c0-.724-.314-1.084-.972-1.084a1.033 1.033 0 0 0-1.075 1.141v2.635h-.889ZM93.515 9.074v1.141h.976v.749h-.976v2.315c0 .472.194.679.637.679a2.967 2.967 0 0 0 .339-.021v.74a2.916 2.916 0 0 1-.484.046c-.988 0-1.381-.348-1.381-1.216v-2.543h-.715v-.749h.715V9.074ZM95.705 8.437h.88v2.481h.07a1.386 1.386 0 0 1 1.374-.806 1.483 1.483 0 0 1 1.55 1.679v2.907h-.889V12.01c0-.72-.335-1.084-.963-1.084a1.052 1.052 0 0 0-1.134 1.142v2.63h-.888ZM104.761 13.482a1.828 1.828 0 0 1-1.95 1.303 2.045 2.045 0 0 1-2.081-2.325 2.077 2.077 0 0 1 2.076-2.352c1.253 0 2.009.856 2.009 2.27v.31h-3.18v.05a1.19 1.19 0 0 0 1.2 1.29 1.08 1.08 0 0 0 1.07-.546Zm-3.126-1.451h2.275a1.086 1.086 0 0 0-1.109-1.167 1.152 1.152 0 0 0-1.166 1.

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
on Facebook

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
on Instagram

Lending through Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
involves risk of principal loss. Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
does not guarantee repayment or offer a financial return on your loan.

2024 Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
. All rights reserved.

Loans for entrepreneurs doing


Make a loan, change a life.


Community<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Community</span>

Kiva<span itemscope itemtype="">
        <span itemprop="name">Kiva</span>
is a 501(c)3 U.S. nonprofit fueled by passionate people. Founded in 2005, and based in San Francisco, with offices in Bangkok, Nairobi, Portland and staff around the globe.

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