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"M11 20.17a9.17 9.17 0 1 1 0-18.34 9.17 9.17 0 0 1 0 18.34Zm-2.85-8.1h.01l.8 2.63c. 2.34 1.73c. 3.44c-.6.25-.6.59-.11.74l2.29.

"M12 21c5.78 0 6.83-.16 7.83-1.17C20.83 18.8 21 17.78 21 12s-.18-6.84-1.17-7.83C18.83 3.17 17.78 3 12 3c-5.79 0-6.84.16-7.85 1.17C3.15 5.2 3 6.22 3 12s.16 6.84 1.15 7.83c1 1 2.07 1.17 7.85 1.17Zm3.65-8.66a3.65 3.65 0 1 1-7.3 0 3.65 3.65 0 0 1 7.3 0Zm1.11-3.71a1.11 1.11 0 1 0 0-2.22 1.11 1.11 0 0 0 0 2.

"M9.85 13.75 14.61 11 9.85 8.25v5.5Zm10.6-7.18c.12.43.2 1.01.26 1.37.09 1.92l.05.77c0 2-.14 3.48-.4 4.43A2.15 2.15 0 0 1 18.86 17c-.43.12-1.22.2-2.43.26-1.19.06-2.28.1-3.29.1l-1.45.05c-3.84 0-6.24-.15-7.18-.4a2.15 2.15 0 0 1-1.59-1.6 22.06 22.06 0 0 1-.35-3.66l-.05-.76c0-2 .15-3.48.4-4.43.23-.82.76-1.35 1.59-1.58.43-.12 1.22-.2 2.43-.26 1.19-.06 2.28-.1 3.29-.1l1.46-.05c3.84 0 6.23.15 1.36.77 1.59 1.

"M44.97 2.85H30.1a10.02 10.02 0 0 0-10.03 10c0-5.53-4.5-10-10.04-10A10.02 10.02 0 0 0 0 12.85a10.02 10.02 0 0 0 20.07.02c0 5.53 4.5 10 10.03 10h14.87a10.02 10.02 0 1 0 0-20.02ZM29.77 35.72v-9.07a9.67 9.67 0 0 0-9.68 9.66v.71a9.67 9.67 0 0 0 9.68 9.66V37.6a9.66 9.66 0 0 0 9.64 9.07V26.65a9.66 9.66 0 0 0-9.64 9.07ZM118.1 2.55h22.92v7.51h-14.1v5h12.18v6.6h-12.17v10.77h-8.83V2.55ZM142.63 10.9h7.78v3.04h.46a5.49 5.49 0 0 1 5.02-3.46c.84 0 1.71.2 2.39.54v6.93a10.56 10.56 0 0 0-3.77-.87c-2.38 0-4.06 1.87-4.06 4.67v10.69h-7.82V10.89ZM158.84 26.75c0-4.17 3.39-6.38 10.46-7.34l3.76-.46v-.96c0-1.58-1.05-2.67-2.84-2.67-1.71 0-2.93 1.08-2.93 2.92h-7.57c0-4.8 4.14-7.89 10.58-7.89 6.4 0 10.63 3.1 10.63 7.93v14.15h-7.87V29.9h-.42c-1.2 2-3.8 3.04-6.6 3.04-4.28 0-7.2-2.25-7.2-6.18Zm14.22-2.38v-1.3l-3.47.5c-2.3.3-3.22 1.18-3.22 2.43 0 1.33 1 2.21 2.72 2.21 2.34 0 3.97-1.63 3.97-3.84ZM184.16 10.9H192v3.17h.42c1.71-2.5 3.51-3.68 6.06-3.68 4.48 0 7.62 3.63 7.62 8.6v13.44h-7.83V20.45c0-2.08-1.17-3.5-3.01-3.5-1.84 0-3.26 1.5-3.26 3.63v11.85h-7.83V10.89ZM208.23 21.66c0-6.93 4.8-11.31 12-11.31 6.2 0 10.71 3.21 11.38 8.6l-7.24.91a4.14 4.14 0 0 0-4.01-3.25c-2.47 0-4.31 2.08-4.31 5.05 0 2.96 1.8 5.05 4.26 5.05a4.13 4.13 0 0 0 4.06-3.21l7.24.88c-.71 5.38-5.23 8.6-11.38 8.6-7.07-.01-12-4.48-12-11.32ZM233.98 1.3h7.82v12.68h.42c1.68-2.46 3.52-3.63 6.07-3.63 4.47 0 7.61 3.63 7.61 8.64v13.44h-7.86V20.41c0-2.04-1.17-3.5-3.01-3.5-1.84 0-3.22 1.5-3.22 3.67v11.85h-7.83V1.3ZM258.56 4.26c0-2.5 1.88-4.26 4.43-4.26 2.64 0 4.47 1.75 4.47 4.26 0 2.5-1.83 4.3-4.47 4.3-2.55 0-4.44-1.8-4.44-4.3Zm.54 6.63h7.82v21.54h-7.82V10.89ZM269.4 25.33h6.66c0 1.83 1.59 3.05 4.06 3.05 1.84 0 3.14-.8 3.14-2.09 0-1.54-1.84-1.8-4.1-2-3.9-.38-9.62-.7-9.62-6.68 0-4.55 4.06-7.39 10.2-7.39 5.98 0 10.42 2.8 10.42 7.22h-6.95c-.04-1.5-1.46-2.5-3.47-2.5-1.75 0-3.01.8-3.01 1.96 0 1.63 2.55 1.7 5.44 2.04 3.93.42 8.87 1.38 8.87 6.47 0 4.8-4.23 7.72-11.09 7.72-6.49 0-10.54-2.96-10.54-7.8ZM292.23 21.57c0-6.84 5.01-11.22 12.17-11.22 7.1 0 11.8 4.42 11.8 11.31 0 .63-.05 1.71-.13 2.13H300.3c.5 2.33 2.09 3.8 4.44 3.8 1.88 0 3.21-.96 3.89-2.34l6.73 1.21c-1.09 4.05-5.52 6.51-11.05 6.51-7.15 0-12.08-4.47-12.08-11.4Zm16.06-1.96c-.21-2.12-1.84-3.88-4.06-3.88-2.18 0-3.6 1.5-4.02 3.88h8.08ZM116.93 55.46c0-9.26 7.07-15.52 16.82-15.52 7.07 0 13.1 3.96 14.47 9.47l-8.11 1.54c-.75-2.2-3.43-3.83-6.4-3.83-4.6 0-7.95 3.42-7.95 8.34 0 4.93 3.47 8.47 8.28 8.47 3.81 0 6.95-2.33 7.2-5.5l-10.17-.05V53.2h18.62c1.08 10.6-5.65 17.95-15.94 17.95-9.75 0-16.82-6.42-16.82-15.69ZM152.41 48.87h7.79v3.05h.45a5.49 5.49 0 0 1 5.02-3.47c.84 0 1.72.21 2.39.55v6.93a10.57 10.57 0 0 0-3.77-.88c-2.38 0-4.06 1.88-4.06 4.68V70.4h-7.82V48.87ZM169.01 59.64c0-7.06 4.73-11.32 12.22-11.32 7.4 0 12.17 4.3 12.17 11.32 0 7.05-4.77 11.3-12.17 11.3-7.45 0-12.22-4.3-12.22-11.3Zm16.56 0c0-2.8-1.8-4.76-4.34-4.76-2.6 0-4.35 1.96-4.35 4.76s1.75 4.75 4.35 4.75c2.55 0 4.34-1.96 4.34-4.75ZM217.46 70.4h-7.83v-3.17h-.42c-1.71 2.55-3.51 3.67-6.06 3.67-4.48 0-7.62-3.58-7.62-8.6V48.88h7.83v11.97c0 2.09 1.17 3.55 3 3.55 1.85 0 3.27-1.5 3.27-3.67V48.87h7.83V70.4ZM244.89 59.64c0 6.84-3.89 11.3-9.54 11.3a7.33 7.33 0 0 1-6.27-3.04h-.42V80h-7.83V48.87h7.83v2.5h.42a7.22 7.22 0 0 1 6.23-3.05c5.73 0 9.58 4.39 9.58 11.32Zm-16.56 0c0 2.7 1.83 4.75 4.34 4.75 2.56 0 4.35-2.04 4.35-4.75 0-2.72-1.8-4.76-4.35-4.76-2.5 0-4.34 2.04-4.34 4.76ZM85.44 1.94H83.9V70.5h1.53V1.

"M120.36 118.62h24.02v26.93h-24.02V187H90.53v-41.45H.77V112.3L82.08 2.2h38.28v116.42Zm-89.23 0h60.19V37.05h-6.34l-53.85 75.24v6.33ZM493.36 118.62h24.02v26.93h-24.02V187h-29.83v-41.45h-89.76V112.3L455.08 2.2h38.28v116.42Zm-89.23 0h60.19V37.05h-6.34l-53.85 75.24v6.

2023. Franchise Group<span itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">
        <span itemprop="name">Franchise Group</span>
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