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Error 429 Too Many Requests

"M60 30c0 16.569-13.431 30-30 30C13.431 60 0 46.569 0 30 0 13.431 13.431 0 30 0c16.569 0 30 13.431 30 30Zm-20.744-5.363V37.21c0 6.29-5.204 11.389-11.623 11.389-3.257 0-6.2-1.312-8.31-3.427a11.736 11.736 0 0 0 6.47 1.927c6.419 0 11.623-5.1 11.623-11.39V23.137a15.231 15.231 0 0 0 8.763 2.748v-4.85a9.026 9.026 0 0 0 1.84.189v6.161a15.229 15.229 0 0 1-8.763-2.747Zm1.472-7.208a8.464 8.464 0 0 1-1.472-4.037V12.6h-1.744a8.478 8.478 0 0 0 1.376 3.33 8.54 8.54 0 0 1-2.376-4.53H31.93v24.61c-.01 2.87-2.387 5.192-5.317 5.192a5.359 5.359 0 0 1-3.574-1.352 5.111 5.111 0 0 1-.742-2.657c0-2.877 2.38-5.21 5.317-5.21.547 0 1.09.082 1.612.244v-6.3a11.96 11.96 0 0 0-1.84-.103v4.903a5.43 5.43 0 0 0-1.613-.244c-2.936 0-5.316 2.333-5.316 5.21 0 .97.27 1.88.743 2.658a5.15 5.15 0 0 1-1.744-3.858c0-2.877 2.38-5.21 5.317-5.21.562 0 1.104.086 1.613.244v-4.903c-6.306.128-11.378 5.177-11.378 11.387 0 3.1 1.263 5.91 3.313 7.963a11.736 11.736 0 0 0 6.47 1.926c6.42 0 11.623-5.1 11.623-11.39V21.938a15.23 15.23 0 0 0 8.763 2.747v-4.85a8.841 8.841 0 0 1-4.45-2.

"M30.5 0c16.57 0 30 13.43 30 30s-13.43 30-30 30S.5 46.57.5 30s13.43-30 30-30Zm17.1 22.223a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-3.169-3.186c-2.797-.752-14.006-.752-14.006-.752s-11.213 0-14.006.752a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-3.169 3.186c-.75 2.808-.75 8.67-.75 8.67s0 5.86.75 8.67a4.5 4.5 0 0 0 3.169 3.183c2.793.754 14.006.754 14.006.754s11.209 0 14.006-.754a4.5 4.5 0 0 0 3.169-3.184c.748-2.808.748-8.67.748-8.67s0-5.86-.75-8.67h.

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"M30 60c16.569 0 30-13.431 30-30C60 13.431 46.569 0 30 0 13.431 0 0 13.431 0 30c0 16.569 13.431 30 30 30Zm7.341-29.075c.723-.361 1.264-.633 1.671-.633a2.447 2.447 0 0 1 2.439 2.441c0 1.166-.668 1.662-1.154 2.022l-.066.05c-1.462.855-6.097 2.804-6.097 2.804l5.121 6.585s.975 1.22.975 1.952a2.446 2.446 0 0 1-2.438 2.439c-1.219 0-1.83-.852-1.83-.852l-5.487-6.465-5.61 6.465s-.61.854-1.83.854a2.447 2.447 0 0 1-2.439-2.441c0-.854.976-1.95.976-1.95l5.245-6.585s-4.635-1.951-6.098-2.805c-.487-.244-1.219-.855-1.219-2.073a2.445 2.445 0 0 1 2.439-2.44c.405 0 .948.271 1.671.633 1.445.723 3.614 1.807 6.866 1.807s5.419-1.084 6.865-1.807Zm-10.14-18.289A8.484 8.484 0 0 1 30.474 12a8.484 8.484 0 0 1 8.537 8.537 8.481 8.481 0 0 1-8.537 8.536 8.48 8.48 0 0 1-8.537-8.535 8.48 8.48 0 0 1 5.261-7.902h.003Zm-.995 7.9c0 2.318 1.954 4.268 4.27 4.268 2.317 0 4.267-1.95 4.267-4.267 0-2.318-1.952-4.268-4.268-4.268s-4.269 1.95-4.269 4.

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"M68.399 230.307c-1.01 1.49.004 3.483 1.837 3.614l65.172 9.072c1.885.135 3.189-1.791 2.313-3.415l-29.779-61.325c-.852-1.579-3.141-1.69-4.15-.199l-35.393 52.253Zm36.7-37.152-21.892 32.32 39.313 5.378-17.421-37.

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